We would love to hear from you. Feel free to email us with thoughts, ideas and questions.
Becky Hulett
Email: rhulett4@gmail.com
Becky is the Aquatics Supervisor for
the City of Phoenix Parks and
Recreation Department.
About Becky:
Becky Hulett, Aquatic Supervisor for the City of Phoenix, has 20 years’ experience in the aquatics field. A graduate from Northern Arizona University, she began her occupation in the education field, but found her passion in Aquatics. She started her career by training and managing lifeguards. For the last eight years, she has had the opportunity to influence and lead the entire Aquatic Section for the Parks Department in Phoenix. She supervises three full time aquatic coordinators and oversees 65 pool management staff at 29 outdoor facilities.
Kelly Martinez
Email: kelly33martinez@gmail.com
Kelly is an Aquatics Coordinator for the City of
Phoenix Parks and Recreation Department.
About Kelly:
Kelly Martinez has been an Aquatic Professional since 1987. She is currently an Aquatic Recreation Coordinator III for the City of Phoenix since 2007 co-supervising 28 facilities, 28 facility managers and 500 part-time aquatic employees. Kelly has been providing training for supervisory groups for many years in the areas of leadership, guest services, evaluation standards, and aquatic surveillance. Her focus is to continue to work with other Aquatic Professionals and agencies to eliminate drownings in lifeguarded facilities. Kelly has been presenting nationally and internationally at Aquatic Conferences since 2006.
Mark Foote
Email: mark.foote.az@gmail.com
Mark is the Aquatics Coordinator for the
City of Mesa Parks and Recreation and
Community Facilities Department.
About Mark:
Mark has worked in aquatics for fifteen years in many different capacities. As coordinator Mark oversees nine aquatic facilities and about 300 staff members. Mark also currently serves as the AOAP board secretary. Mark launched his aquatic career as a seventeen year old lifeguard with the City of Mesa and has worked for the city ever sense. Mark earned his bachelors in Parks and Recreation from Arizona State University (Go Devils!) and his Masters in Business Administration from Grand Canyon University. Marks has extensive expertise in using technology to connect with staff and public as well as expertise in leadership training development for pool managment.
Benjamin Herskowitz
Email: bherskowitz@gmail.com
Ben is is a County Radiological Emergency
Planner for two nuclear power plants
About Ben:
Benjamin Herskowitz first started in the aquatics field in the mid nineteen-nineties working as a lifeguard and aquatics instructor for the Boy Scouts of America at Bashore Scout Reservation working in both the pool and waterfront settings. Wanting to enhance his rescue training, he became a firefighter. Ben is currently a Firefighter/Instructor and holds more than 12 certifications from the National Board on Fire Service Professional Qualifications including technical rescue, hazardous materials, and fire officer (management / admin).
Ben Teaches and presents for the Center for Aquatic Safety and runs Herskowitz Systems Solutions, a company focused on training and emergency planning. He is a certified as a Lifeguard Instructor for the American Red Cross and Starfish Aquatics Institute.